(Co-)organized Film Exhibitions and Screenings
Producer/Director/Curator Taxi Stories - 15 Mobile Short Films about Immigration and Multiculturalism (shot by MFA Doc Media students). Initiative of Harbourfront Art Centre and Taxi Beck. Partially Funded by Canada 150 (November 2016 – June 2017). Exhibition took place at the Harbourfront Centre in Toronto on June 27th, 2017. Represented at The Image Factory, School of Image Arts, February 12-16, 2018.
Co-Curator/Presenter The Distance Between, with Pierre Tremblay. Music by Ensemble Polaris. Ryerson Art Space, Glad Stone Gallery, Scotia Nuit Blanche presentation, October 3, 2015.
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=XgBr2BKRciw&feature=emb_logo
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQCCBhxz-Co&feature=emb_logo
Co-Curator/Presenter Moving Frames, Shifting Boundaries - Artistic Experiments and Innovation in Film and Video. Co-Presented with Pierre Tremblay at Ryerson Image Centre Student Gallery, Toronto, Sept 18-Oct 27, 2013.
Co-Curator/Presenter Creative Interventions - Recent experimental films and videos of the
School of Image Arts. Co-Presented with Pierre Tremblay in Gallery 310 at Ryerson University, Toronto, March 21, 2012.
Co-Curator/Presenter Landscapes, Cityscapes and Mindscapes - Recent Experimental Films and Videos of the School of Image Arts with Pierre Tremblay. Scotia Nuit Blanche presentation at Ryerson University (outdoors), Toronto, October 2010.
Guest Curator for Sites for Seeing, Out of the Cineplex and into the Marshlands - Waterlines, Wetlands and Whirlpools: Recent Experimental Films and Videos that Hold Water. One of four show organized for Strutts Gallery, Amherst, New Brunswick, August 2010.

Three Experimental Film Series organized for and in collaboration with the Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery (Halifax, Nova Scotia), each with its own exhibition catalogue:
Time Changes/Changing Times: Canadian Experimental Films and Videos of the 1990s. (MSVU, 2002)
Placing Spaces, Spacing Places: Canadian Experimental Films and Videos since 1990. (MSVU, 2003)
Brisk Collages and Bricolages: Artistic Audits and Creative Revisions of Mainstream Media in Recent Canadian Shorts (MSVU, 2005).
URL: MSVU Art Gallery Publications:
To order see http://www.abcartbookscanada.com/AGMStVincentU.html

Special Film Retrospective in collaboration with the Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative (AFCOOP):
Lipsett’s Legacy: Recollecting Collage Films from the NFB and CFMDC (2007).
Presented at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (Halifax, October 2007).
Presented in collaboration with the Available Light Collective at Saw Gallery (Ottawa, October 2009).
Catalogue available upon demand.

MINA (Mobile Innovation Network Association) – Before also known as Mobile Innovation Network Aoteroa or Mobile Innovation Network Australasia. The Mobile Innovation Network Association [MINA] is an international network that promotes cultural and research activities to expand the emerging possibilities of mobile media. MINA aims to explore the opportunities for interaction between communities, content and the creative industries within an increasingly international context.
Founded by Max Schleser in 2011, MINA is the longest running international film festival dedicated to mobile and smartphone filmmaking with a focus on moving-image arts, documentary, community engaged film productions, experimental films and emerging film production forms and formats.
See: http://mina.pro
Co-Curator/Presenter 4th MINA Screening 2014. Co-presented with Max Schleser at the 4th International Mobile Creativity and Mobile Innovation Symposium, Auckland University of Technology (Auckland, New Zealand) on November 21st, 2014 and at the Nga Taonge Sound and Vision - NZ Archive of Film, Television and Sound (Wellington, New Zealand) on December 6th, 2014.
Co-Curator/Presenter 6th MINA Screening 2016. Co-presented with Max Schleser and Dean Keep, at the 6th International Mobile Creativity and Mobile Innovation Symposium, Swinburne University (Melbourne, Australia) on December 1st, 2016.
Co-Programmer 7th MINA Screening 2017. Presented at ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) (Melbourne, Australia) on October 25th, 2017: https://www.acmi.net.au/events/international-mobile-innovation-screening-and-film-festival/
Screening Committee Member for the Annual MINA Screenings in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Co-Founder and Co-Curator the Moving – Image – Arts International Short Film Festival, in collaboration with Pierre Tremblay (School of Image Arts, Toronto).
Moving – Image – Arts is a one hour thematic film festival that showcases innovative short films and videos (under 10 minutes) from around the world. Every year the festival has a different theme. Each final program is carefully curated and constructed so that the screening of the various works is in itself a work of art.
All the Moving – Image – Arts programs are available for screening upon demand.
February 25th, 2016: First edition – Theme: Light.
Trailer see: https://vimeo.com/199485553
March 23rd, 2017: Second edition – Theme: Speed.
Trailer see: https://vimeo.com/318322899
April 5th, 2018: Third edition – Theme: Experimental Landscapes.
Trailer see: https://vimeo.com/318323693
February 28th, 2019: Fourth edition – Theme: Memory.
Trailer see: https://vimeo.com/350787283
March 5th, 2020. Fifth edition – Theme: Portrait.

Film: Another Death, Another Life.
National Symposium on the State of Celluloid, Part of the Inaugural Independent Film Festival (Halifax, Nova Scotia) - March 2007.
Frame-Ex: Experimental Filmmaking Today.
Atlantic Filmmakers Cooperative (AFCOOP) (Halifax, Nova Scotia) - March 2007.
Afterthoughts and Afterimages about the Afterlife of Film.
School of Communication, Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada) - October 2009.
Capturing the Fragility and Emphemerality of Life on Film: Three Experimental Films by Governor General Award Winner Barbara Sternberg.
Available Light Collective (Ottawa, Ontario) – December 8, 2012
Innovative Filmmakers.
Island Media Arts Festival (Charlottetown, P.E.I.) - May 13, 2012.
Mobile Innovations, Recent Trends: Notes on the programming of “On the Move.”
MINA - 4th International Mobile Creativity and Mobile Innovation Screening.
Presented with Max Schleser at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) (Auckland, New Zealand) – December 12, 2014.
Modern Day Flaneuse.
Docuverse bi-monthly Forum talk RMIT (Melbourne, Australia) - November 29, 2016: http://nonfictionlab.net.au/2016/11/docuverse-snapshots-5/